Given: 15 large marshmallows, 15 licorice sticks, a cup, Lifesavers.

Build a structure that will hang from the ceiling. You will have 10 minutes to complete the problem. After you have built the structure it will be hung from the doorway.

Attach a cup at the bottom of the structure and fill it with lifesavers.

After each addition of 5 lifesavers the structure will be rocked.

Each time the structure is rocked (and survives), 2 points will be given.

The length of the structure will earn points as well- 5 points per 1 inch.

Build a bridge type structure. You will be given one minute to discuss the problem. You may talk to your teammates. You will have 10 minutes to complete the problem.

After you’ve built the structure, a cup will be placed in the middle of the bridge span. The addition of each lifesaver to the cup counts as two points, and each inch of the structure’s horizontal span will equal 5 points.