Given: table top marked with a start line and a finish line that are one meter apart, 3 sheets of typing paper, 1 pair of scissors, 2 yards of String or yarn, 36 inches of masking tape, 9 tennis balls, 2 unsharpened pencils, 1 wooden ruler, 5 plastic straws, 1 Styrofoam or paper cup.
Within 15 minutes, create a device that will transport one tennis ball at a time from behind the start line across the finish line. The device may not be touched by humans either going to the finish line or returning to the start time for another “load.” Allow five minutes to demonstrate solution to problem. Balls may be removed by a team member after they have crossed the line, and a team member is allowed to place a tennis ball into the device for transport
Scoring: 1 point for each piece of equipment used on completed device. 10 points for cleverness of design of device. 10 points for each ball transported across finish line.