Materials: quarters, dimes, nickels, pennies, 4 different colors of construction paper – communicating items: pencil, ruler, sheet of 81/2″x11″ paper, tin can, 2 marbles, metal spoon

Devise a non-verbal communication system in which 2 communicators instruct 3 workers how many of each coin is to be placed on a given color paper. 5 minutes to think / practice and 3 minutes to perform.

Scoring: score is the value of the coins placed plus 100 point bonus if problem is completed plus 1 point for each unused second under 3 minute limit.

Penalties: twice the value of each coin over the maximum allowed for a given coin on a given color. 25 point penalty for a coin not completely on a paper 100 point penalty for talking once in the three minute work period begins

red yellow green orange
Penny 3 4 8 7
Nickel 12 1 0 5
Dime 4 13 2 5
Quarter 7 4 2 10